
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Attack of Roomba

Both Chris and I don't like vacuuming....are there really many people out there who enjoy that job anyway? When we moved into our new house, some friends of mine came over to visit and both were talking about their Roomba robotic vacuum cleaners. I had heard of the Roomba, but I seriously doubted that they really worked all that well. After we heard both of them rave about their Roombas and after we read reviews online, we decided to use some of our economic stimulus money to stimulate the economy by buying a Roomba.

Well, I'm not sure we really stimulated the economy all that much, but we found a wonderful household addition when we bought Roomba. With a push of a button, Roomba zooms around the house vacuuming up all kinds of stuff. Yes, that's right....Roomba really works....and it works really me, I have serious allergies, and Roomba really gets so many more dust bunnies than our previous vacuum cleaner did. Roomba actually even helped with bug collection when we had our bug infestation after we moved in....long story by the way. Anyway, that's my plug for Roomba...go buy one!

Seemingly switching topics but not really, Hayden is always on the move. He absolutely loves rolling around everywhere. Roomba is currently plugged in and charging in our living room, and this weekend, Hayden visited Roomba. He has always liked watching Roomba do its thing, and I guess he thought he might roll over and give Roomba a visit. Chris and I were both busy working on our laptops and were halfway paying attention to Hayden when we hear the famous sound of can all hear the sound in your head if you have one and are reading right now. We look around the couch to see Hayden laying on the floor and Roomba attacking Hayden. Hayden apparently figured out how to turn Roomba on, and Roomba went straight for him. Hayden got upset, and Roomba kept trying to suck him up. Roomba actually took Hayden for a ride for a second, because it managed to get up underneath him. All Chris and I could do is sit there a laugh for a while. Needless to say, Hayden was somewhat traumatized and wouldn't even get down on the floor for a while until I got down with him.

It obviously didn't traumatize Hayden too bad, because he went and visited Roomba yesterday. He stayed far enough away to make sure Roomba didn't attack him, though. Hehehe... He has such a personality!


The Patterson 5 said...

Yikes! Glad Hayden survived! What does Gus think of this Roomba?!?

The Davidsons said...

Gus just howls at Roomba....he can't believe he used to live inside (when we were in our apartment), and now, he has been replaced by a robotic vacuum cleaner.