
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Long Time, Huh?

Long time, no see! I haven't posted since I posted our Christmas pictures, so needless to say, this post is long overdue! Around February, I began travelling much more so I could get all of my days done in the school district I was working in this year. I went from travelling two days a week to just about every day. So, my blogging went to the wayside because of the travelling. I finished all of my travelling for the school year at the end of March, but I guess I've spent the last month just recovering from travelling back and forth so much.

The bad news was that I had to travel so much, but the good news is definitely that I am done with all of my travelling for the school year and have been home with Hayden every day since the end of March. It has been so wonderful being at home with him every day...adventurous and busy and tiring but such a blessing!

Speaking of Hayden, he is 21 months old and has changed so much since my last post. He talks up a storm and learns new things every day. He really hardly ever is quiet and is such a ham. He loves animals, buses, trains, airplanes, Mickey Mouse (toodles), Pooh, and especially, his dog Gus. He and Gus play outside almost every day, or we will take Gus for a walk around the neighborhood (aka....tiring down Hayden so he will take a nap and/or sleep well at night). Right now, we are working on his numbers, colors, and shapes. I also bought him a potty yesterday at Wal Mart. Recently, he has been telling us that he needs to go potty, and a couple of times, he has successfully told us in time. I don't know that he is ready for potty training, but he went in his potty this we'll see how this goes. He also knows about Noah's Ark and Moses, and anytime, he sees angels, he says, "Jesus' angels." He has learned some of the blessing, too.

The other big news in our family is that we are selling our house. Yes, it is very unexpected. We built this home in 2008 and were expecting to stay in it for about 7 or 8 years, but God is just pointing us in a different direction right now due to financial and family reasons. We love this house, but it is just a house. It is For Sale By Owner, and our sign has been up for about 4 weeks now. We have a lot of ride-bys and people taking flyers, and we've had a few people come and look at it. God will direct the rest, and we are lucky to be in a good position where we don't have to sell but feel like it is the right thing to do.

So, I am posting a massive amount of posts to update everyone on what we have been doing. One of my friends told me recently that our Christmas pictures just weren't doing it for her anymore, so this should give y'all plenty of pictures to look at. There are five new posts below this one, so keep on reading after this! Once you get finished with our snow pictures, you are finished with the new posts.

By the way, my Mom (aka...Gran) recently started a blog of her own. It really is wonderful, and I hope you will visit it soon. Click here to visit her blog.

I'll try to do better with posting more frequently from now on! :o)


Anonymous said...

Hey Missy! It's so nice to have an update. I'm glad everyone is doing well and that you get to be home with Hayden more. Are y'all staying in Clinton or moving somewhere else? All is well here. I finished my MBA and graduate in June. Please tell Chris hello for me and give Hayden and Gus a kiss for me:) Elizabeth B-S

Roommate Laura said...

YAY!!! A blog update! I really enjoyed reading up on Hayden (and you and Chris, too, I guess) and seeing the pictures. He is such a cutie and seems to really know how to "cheese!" Hope to see y'all soon. Have a great weekend.

The Robertsons said...

Glad you are back! Hayden is too cute.

Roommate Laura said...

This is your friendly reminder that some of us need blog updates more then every few months! :-) Hope all is well, and I'm looking for a new blog soon. Love ya!