Because Hayden received his 8-week shots last week, this has been a week of many firsts - first trip to Sunday School to learn about God and first trip to big boy school to learn how to read, write, and do a little arithmetic (aka...Mother's Day Out). Yep, that's right...Chris and I have a very advanced 2-month old! Hahaha...
On Sunday, we woke up two hours before church began to get Hayden ready for a morning of Sunday School. After all, we had to have our boy looking good, so he could learn about Noah, Moses, Adam and Eve, Joseph, and most importantly, God and Jesus. We got him dressed in his Sunday best - an outfit and some shoes given to us by two of my aunts (thanks Billie and Kitty...he looked so cute!). Ironically, the picture that I'm posting describes his morning at church very well...look at that yawn!
We dropped him off with his Sunday School teachers at about 8:45 am. He met his SS teachers shortly after he came home from the hospital...they came by the house to meet him and bring a gift sweet is that? Anyway, when we dropped him off at 8:45, he was fast asleep in his carseat with his blanket (a pretty white blanket given to Hayden by Gran) wrapped around him. They asked if they needed to wake him up, and I assured them that he'd let them know when he was ready to get up. Chris and I headed off to church (it was so nice for us to be back in church together), and we had Sunday School after that. We, of course, were dreaming about all of the wonderful things our son would be learning that morning (I'm only kidding, of course). Anyway, when we picked him up after our Sunday School at 11:45 am (three hours later), he was still fast his carseat...with his blanket over him. The nursery workers were worried that we'd be mad that he slept the entire time...I laughed! I learned my lesson the hard way, because needless to say, getting him to go to sleep Sunday night was pretty difficult! Hahaha....oh well, at least everyone can see him all dressed up in his picture.
Today was his first day at First Baptist for Mother's
Day Out. His bookbag was loaded with all of the things he'd need to have for his first day of school - diapers, a change of clothes, bottles (for lunch time, of course), a burp cloth, and a bib. When I dropped him off, I was surprised to see his aunt, Tracie, in his room. She had been asked to help for part of the day, and I was excited Hayden would get to spend a little quality time with his aunt. Keeping up his ritual from Sunday, Hayden was fast asleep in his carseat. Having learned my lesson on Sunday, I asked Tracie and his other teacher to please wake him up in an hour.
My day was so weird without him. I went swimming this morning at the YMCA with my mom. I've been swimming for the last three weeks or so...trying to lose those last several pregnancy pounds. When I got home from swimming, it was SOOOO quiet. It suddenly hit me that I had not been in that house without Hayden before. (When Chris and I moved in to our house, I was 29 weeks pregnant.) Although I definitely missed him, I believe my Tuesdays and Fridays will be good for me and make me a better me a chance to travel a little for work and have some "me" time.
I picked Hayden up at 2, and he was asleep in the arms of one of the workers. They said he had a good day and were able to verify that he didn't sleep the entire time. On his "Daily Information Sheet," it said "I can taste, touch and smell." It was so cute. When I got Hayden home and took him out of his carseat, he opened his eyes, spit out his pacifier, and gave me a grin from ear to ear. What more could any mother want?
We dropped him off with his Sunday School teachers at about 8:45 am. He met his SS teachers shortly after he came home from the hospital...they came by the house to meet him and bring a gift sweet is that? Anyway, when we dropped him off at 8:45, he was fast asleep in his carseat with his blanket (a pretty white blanket given to Hayden by Gran) wrapped around him. They asked if they needed to wake him up, and I assured them that he'd let them know when he was ready to get up. Chris and I headed off to church (it was so nice for us to be back in church together), and we had Sunday School after that. We, of course, were dreaming about all of the wonderful things our son would be learning that morning (I'm only kidding, of course). Anyway, when we picked him up after our Sunday School at 11:45 am (three hours later), he was still fast his carseat...with his blanket over him. The nursery workers were worried that we'd be mad that he slept the entire time...I laughed! I learned my lesson the hard way, because needless to say, getting him to go to sleep Sunday night was pretty difficult! Hahaha....oh well, at least everyone can see him all dressed up in his picture.
Today was his first day at First Baptist for Mother's
My day was so weird without him. I went swimming this morning at the YMCA with my mom. I've been swimming for the last three weeks or so...trying to lose those last several pregnancy pounds. When I got home from swimming, it was SOOOO quiet. It suddenly hit me that I had not been in that house without Hayden before. (When Chris and I moved in to our house, I was 29 weeks pregnant.) Although I definitely missed him, I believe my Tuesdays and Fridays will be good for me and make me a better me a chance to travel a little for work and have some "me" time.
I picked Hayden up at 2, and he was asleep in the arms of one of the workers. They said he had a good day and were able to verify that he didn't sleep the entire time. On his "Daily Information Sheet," it said "I can taste, touch and smell." It was so cute. When I got Hayden home and took him out of his carseat, he opened his eyes, spit out his pacifier, and gave me a grin from ear to ear. What more could any mother want?
I am so glad his first days at Sunday School and at Mom's morning out went well. What a wonderful opportunity for some well deserved R&R! He is so adorable! I just know you melted into a puddle with his great big grin!
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