
Friday, October 31, 2008

Hayden's First Halloween

Hayden enjoyed his first Halloween! We are so lucky to have a church who has a yearly Fall Carnival on Halloween, and we attended that last night. Even though Hayden couldn't trick-or-treat this year anyway, I'm glad we won't have to worry about trick-or-treating when he gets to that age. Unfortunately, trick-or-treating just isn't as safe as it used to be.

Anyway, as you can see from the pictures below, Hayden was a monkey. He looked so cute in his costume (complete with a banana on top) and really enjoyed his first Fall Carnival. It was so cold, but his costume kept him nice and warm. We ate with my brother's family before the carnival, and Mariposa (Lindsey) and Thomas the Train (Kristopher) were also quite cute.

It is so much fun to have a house, so Chris and I even got festive and carved a pumpkin (actually, I carved the pumpkin...hehehe). We also got an idea from my cousin to buy these special Mr. Potato Head parts for a pumpkin.

Hope you enjoy our Halloween pictures below! Also, I have another post from today, so keep on reading!

Catching Everyone Up

Sorry it's been so long since I last posted! I've been so busy with work and trying to keep up with a 3-month old. We're doing well. Hayden is getting so big and is such a blessing from God each and every day. Chris and I often talk about the fact that we can't imagine what life was without him...and it's true.

Hayden had his first night away from home last week and did great. Chris and I were tackling a painting project on our fireplace, and I thought it would be best if Hayden wasn't near any paint fumes. So, he stayed with Gran last Thursday night and did great. He had a lot of fun and met my favorite toy as a child, Teddy Ruxpin. Teddy is now at our house, and Hayden just loves talking to Teddy as Teddy talks to him. It's so cute! Oh, and mom and dad did fine with Hayden's absence as well. We missed him, and it was awfully quiet in our house...but the fireplace looks great!

I've been super busy with work and have several upcoming deadlines. It's such a blessing that I'm able to do alot of my work from home, but as you can imagine, it's quite difficult to get very much done with a baby who just loves lots of attention. So, this Monday, Chris stayed home from work to watch Hayden so I could get some work done. On Monday morning, Chris was talking about trying to get some of his work done during the day, but by the afternoon, Chris saw what I meant about not being able to get much done. I overheard him talking to someone from work on the phone and telling them that he needed to get back to work so he could get some rest and that keeping up with a 3-month old was harder than he thought. I think Chris really enjoyed the day and getting to hang out with Hayden, and I was so greatful for the chance to get some work done.

Hayden has two new toys - a Bumbo and his exersaucer. Well, he's had the exersaucer for a while, but it has just now gotten put together. Hayden enjoys his Bumbo, and I recommend this for all new parents. It is a contraption that actually allows a baby to sit up. Hayden loves being near us and is especially needy when we are eating supper, so we thought putting the Bumbo on the kitchen table so that Hayden could see us might help things out. It worked...Hayden loves eating supper with us and especially enjoys staring at our food. No food yet, son....wait a little while longer. Hehehe.... As you can see from the pictures, Hayden also thinks his Bumbo is great for sleeping. He's so funny! He is also really enjoying his exersaucer. I'm surprised how much he can do with it already. He can turn himself in it pretty well and especially loves reading the book about a duck and a dog. He's a very studious child!

Well, I'm posting some pictures below. Hope everyone enjoys!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Good Night's Rest

Well, I don't want to press my luck by saying this will be a permanent, consistent thing, but it seems that my present for the 3-month mark is to be able to sleep through the night. That's right...for the last three nights, I have been blessed to have restful nights. Hayden usually has his last night-time bottle around 10 or 10:30. He woke up at 5:45 on Tuesday morning; 6 o'clock on Wednesday; and 6:45 this morning. Woo hoo! For all of you moms out there who appreciate getting up for months and months every hour to go to the bathroom (while you are pregnant) and then getting up at night for feedings, I know you know how wonderful it is to get some much needed rest. And, for all you moms who are still getting up at night with your little ones, just realize that your rest will come, and it will be wonderful!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hayden's Film Debut

I realized that I haven't shared a video of Hayden yet, and I couldn't resist getting him to "talk" for you guys. He is definitely the most expressive baby I've ever been around, and although this video doesn't really do justice to his expressiveness, it gives you a little sneak peak. He loves to smile, talk, coo, and squeal to almost anyone he is around, and it definitely warms my heart to have such a wonderful person to "talk" to each and every day.

Also, you will hear me reference him "sucking on his fist." He hasn't quite found his thumbs yet, but he rather enjoys sucking on his fist until he can figure out how to open his hand.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Just a Fishin' and a Splashin'

Last week proved to be a busy and fun week in the Davidson household. Weekend before last, Chris, Hayden, and I went on our first trip as a family to Gran's house to fish with Gran, Kris, Tracie, Lindsey, and Kristopher. Hayden and Kristopher looked so cute in their matching Tigger fishing shirts (Tracie and I didn't plan that, by the way). We had a lot of fun just relaxing, fishing, feeding Gran's pet bass (she spoils her fish, which makes catching them pretty easy), watching some football games, and grilling some hamburgers.

As I think I've shared with everyone, I've been swimming at the local YMCA. Last week, I decided to get Hayden some swim diapers and a swim floatie and take him for his first swim. After wasting most all of my breath blowing up his swim floatie, we headed to the pool. Hayden really enjoyed his first swim. He looked kind of perplexed when he first was placed in the water, but after a few minutes, he was kicking and smiling and squealing away. He had a great time!

On Friday of this past week, my mom, Hayden, and I headed for a shopping trip to Foley. Chris left this weekend for a work trip in West Palm Beach...By the way, he called it a work trip, but he spent most of it playing golf and hanging out with Jesper Parnevik at his 30,000 square foot house. Doesn't sound like he got a whole lot of work done to me. Hahaha... Anyway, Hayden did great on his first big shopping trip. He had a great time hanging out with the "girls," but both of us are ready for Chris to get home from his trip tonight.

Here are some fishing and swimming pics for you to enjoy!